Rebel woman

I was really rebellious at school ...

My reports said 'has potential but doesn't put it to good use', could do better...

A couple of teachers could see the potential but mainly I was labelled as a trouble maker, a rebel, a ringleader.

“She has her head in the clouds” was another one...and yes I was thinking and imagining and creating but that was never something that was encouraged at my Convent school. Those very traits that are some of my strengths.. The strengths that make me a visionary, a deep thinker, an extremely intuitive + wise person.....

Imagine what I could have achieved if those strengths had been valued and encouraged. Sad really + I know that many of you will relate.

I hated the rules

I hated the structure

I hated the routine

I hated how shallow it all felt

Reminding me that living a life all about the 9-5 and doing what everyone expects me to be doing has never fitted. Going along with the rules that our society dictates and conditions our minds to 'fit in' is not how I want to live.

I always felt different from a very young age. I felt like I didn't really fit in. I remember having a very strong bond with my aunty who could see the potential within me , she could really SEE me, from the inside, through my eyes + into my very soul...the strong + knowing spirit within me. We have a very strong bond now after 30 years of not seeing each other.

My mind and my brain are now my most important gifts + I am a lifelong learner always curious to know more. Something I enjoy so much now I am an adult..

I wanted you to know more about me so that maybe it inspires you to live a little more and be a little more:


Non conformist


Don't ever allow yourself to stop dreaming, stop growing and stop believing.

You can do whatever your heart + soul wants you just have to be brave enough to step out of line sometimes.

You got this

I would love as many misfits + rebels as possible to join my new membership that's coming very soon...

Laura x